The Most Popular Bathroom Design Trends of 2019 (According to Instagram)

Lustre Sandwashed White with Chrome

We like to think that we have a pretty good idea what’s ‘in’ and what’s not in the world of bathroom design, but you can’t argue with some good data.

We’re not known for our social media presence (we’re pretty traditional here) but you can’t deny the effect the social media channels have on the world. From insights to news stories and more, social media is changing so much of our world.

Can it affect the world of bathroom design? Well if you believe the interaction and conversation, it can certainly give you some insight into what people like, want, and engage with.

In a really interesting study by Harvey Water Softeners, Instagram was used to determine what it is about bathroom design that ignited the social media users’ interest and what, more importantly, got more likes.


What does this mean for the future of bathroom design?

This is a bit of fun really. Clearly Instagram ‘taps’ and comments on how something looks aesthetically needs to be taken for what it is. Aesthetics alone would be an ill-advised way to choose your new bathroom.

That said, it’s really good to see and hear what drives those eyes and what users of the most beautiful social media channel out there want to view.

The timelines used for the research certainly make sense and serve as some good places to go for inspiration. Inspiration is always a good place to start from with your new bathroom design, so we applaud that.


The hashtags used are linked below so you can go and take a look:  






What were the top 20 trends? Well… here they are…


The top 20 bathroom design trends on Instagram


20. Black towel rail (1,244)

Black is certainly back in some areas of bathroom design and dark, jet, and glossy black is a popular design feature for many modern bathrooms. Think towel rails, heated towel rails, and even ornate brackets and tiles.


19. Silver taps (1,548)

Some things are continually in fashion, right? Silver taps are a classic and one we rarely see change in bathroom design. Sure, the design and style of them will vary greatly, but the colour is mostly silver. No surprises here.


18. Rustic pine shelves (1,838)

The natural look certainly suits Instagram more than a real-life bathroom and this design is one for the photoshoot more than the everyday bathroom. It’s a great look, but not one that’s very practical. Still, some plants, wooden floor, or Amtico flooring could add the wood element into your bathroom design easily. 


17. Black-framed mirrors (2,023)

More black? You bet. It’s the contrast of black versus white that creates that striking design that suits the Instagram timeline. This is a bathroom colour we see becoming more popular along with those black towel rails. Maybe the black framed mirror frames your face like the infamous Instagram square?


16. Devils Ivy hanging plant (2,029)

Adding some nature to your bathroom is a really great and cost-effective change for your existing bathroom. The classic Devils Ivy creates colour, texture, and some drama to your classic, clean lines. Of course, you can add all manner of houseplants into this idea.


15. Freestanding oval bath (2,138)

It’s back to a classic with this one. The freestanding bath is certainly a centre piece to marvel at, providing you have the room. Think grand suite hotel bathroom and you’ll think of a freestanding oval bath. This might look great in a hotel room or Instagram, but a two up, two down terrace might not have the space to house it.


14. In-shower recessed shelves (2,336)

Otherwise known as ‘Shower Niches’, the recessed shelf is a great way to hide away your shower items in a more purposeful place than the old plastic basket from the shower hose! A great part of modern shower design and can even house the clever electronics that modern showers can have. We love these.


13. Black taps (2,361)

Are you sensing a theme here? Be careful what you read into here, because black is pain to keep clean in the best of places and in a bathroom it’s more tricky. Black taps are a bold move and one you’ll have to really own with the rest of your bathroom design. But if you’re game, we’re game!


12. Floating sinks (2,369)

We’ve blogged about <walk-hung basins before> and the design wins are clear here. The lack of pedestal gives you more floor and the illusion of more space. The floating style is a big design win on the eyes, too.


11. Rainfall showers (2,547)

The large shower head is a common feature in grand design bathrooms and you’ll no doubt have seen them in displays and certainly in higher end hotel bathroom suites. Some rainfall shower heads even have the option of led lighting to add to the enjoyment and effect!


10. Circular mirrors (2,565)

Bathroom lines are an important factor in the design and something as simple as a circular mirror can really change the aesthetics and feeling of a bathroom. This will work better if you follow the rounded lines into the bath or shower, too.


9. Woven baskets (2,841)

Another one for the catalogue and not for everyone, the woven basket is incredibly popular on Instagram, but not so in the real world. When done well, you can make this work, but mostly you’re better off hiding all those ‘bits and pieces’ away in the cupboards and keeping the bathroom clutter free if you can.


8. Pure white tiles (2,870 likes)

A clear classic and big favourite for as long as we can remember, the clean, white tile is a the ‘go to’ choice for many of our bathrooms. The reflective quality and obvious link to cleanliness gives the white tile a big advantage over the more adventurous coloured tile. But you don’t have to choose between the two if you opt for a combination of both!


7. Gold taps (2,951)

Ok… Maybe if you’re the Queen? This is when Instagram and other social media can really skew the data. This might look great, but we can’t help but feel that you’re better to invest the £££s into an actual bathroom functionality rather than some taps!


6. Dual sinks/his and her sinks (3,107)

We actually think these are a great shout. Double basins are really practical and also really great for busy, family bathrooms. These are also brilliant for couples who get ready to go out or to work at the same time. There’s also something really nice about the communal message of a double basin, don’t you think?


5.Marble sink basin (3,125)

Again, you can file this with ‘Ideas for the Queen’ but they do look fabulous.


4. Black shower door (3,190)


Mmm… we’re not sure about this. Maybe for a footballer’s home? Maybe that’s where this trend originated from! Many of the top posts do feature some nice black framed doors that, when added into an overall design, would be a great look for a modern city bathroom.


3. Gold-framed mirrors (3,205)

Here’s real life versus reality again. Although some gold coating is never beyond the realms of possibility in a home bathroom, the most popular posts in this search are certainly not found in suburbia. They do suit a bathroom with a more classical feel to them.


2. Boho rugs (3,638)

When it comes to bathroom design, hygiene is a big factor and anything that is used in a bathroom needs to be wipe clean, or machine washable, to be in with a chance of staying sanitary. Boho rugs look great on Instagram in a bathroom. Would they work in real life? We’re not yet convinced.


1. Geometric tiles (4,668)

If you’re looking to create a grand statement with your bathroom then the tiles are a simple way to do it. Geometric tiles are certainly one for the design portfolio of a magazine and Instagram, but they do work in your home bathroom when used well.


Trends to watch?

We do find that what seems to be the most popular ideas that trend on social media don’t end up being what is the most popular items or ideas sold. We find that a lot of people come into the showroom and say, “this idea is really popular”, but then when they realise the possible downsides that the design and products bring, they then end up picking something a little more practical.

Need more help? Contact us now or pop into our Coventry bathroom showroom and get your ideas flowing in the real world, too.